26 November, 2008

Just an update

Working full-time has zapped any opportunity for "free time" that I may have squeezed out of my sleep schedule before. Hence blogging has taken a backseat. Plus, now that I'm putting photos on Facebook, this has been more of a ruminating website. But I was recently reminded that many people still look here for family updates, so here are some photos of what's been going on here recently.There was Halloween, of course, with a Star Wars theme. Leaf raking and playing. A grandma visit. Bridger's 5th birthday. A trip to Philly to visit friends. Seriously, we need to slow down a bit.


chaps said...

I really like the picture of Yoda staring at Darth Vader.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I like the turtle. It reminds me of the paper mache ninja turtle we made in middle school. If you deny this I have the pictures to prove it.

amy said...

Awww, our boys are cute & coordinated! Miss you guys around here.