23 August, 2008

Montana: 10 months of winter, 2 months of relatives

We've been on our two months (or at least one solid month) of relatives kick and loving it! There's been three nights in August so far when we haven't had someone on our futon. Highlights were definitely favorite cousins from Wisconsin--4 more kids in the house equalled seven kids 10 and under for a week. WOW. Here are some of our recent adventures. I must admit that I'm proud we tackled the Blackfoot with 6 kids in tow (Eilidh stayed home) as well as Bass Creek Trail with all seven. The kids have been loving all the company, grandma and grandpa just took off yesterday. We miss you already!


amy said...

Beautiful pictures! I want to go hiking and tubing in Montana!! (vs. strolling through 13 city blocks to the grocery store...)

Anonymous said...

I love that post title! It reminded me of the book I just finished "A year in Provence." A pleasant read in stressful times;) Miss you.