Had I been in Pharaoh's court and had access to a guy like Joseph, I have no doubt he would have interpreted the dream like this, "Ahh, as a mother you will have six beautiful months of happy children who eat dirt and ice cream daily but won't get even the smallest tummy ache. Then will come the six months of famine where merely glancing at a dirty tissue will begin a prolonged house arrest with snot noses, all-night hackfests and barf bags. Oh, and you'll be doomed to repeat the cycle again and again."
Asher caught his first little cold last week. He sported a snotty nose. He was whiny, clingy, awful. No one has had so much as a sniffle since last March, but here we are again on the cusp of a six month stretch where surely someone in the house will be sick.
The trouble is as much as I try to "stockpile" summer days like corn in a silo, it doesn't work. I can't store up health and mete it out later like candy from Halloween. I have to take it all as it comes, so here I am preparing for another day on the couch watching Sesame Street. I guess it's not all bad.
I hear you, sister! Three weeks into school and already Noah is on antibiotics, I am sporting a sinus infection waiting to happen, everyone else's noses are dripping at every turn and I can't possibly keep enough kleenex in the house! We haven't even had sniffles since February and here we go again!!! It must be in our genes....just know I am empathizing with you across the miles!
Love and hugs to all,
LOL - you're such a good writer. We have only gone ONE week into the new fall routine and two have dripping noses. I even remembered the vitamins every morning this fall. Sigh.
Hang in there sister.
Ain't that the truth. It's wise of you to remind us that we should just ride this season out-- I backed away from an adorable little girl at the park yesterday like an absolute madwoman just because she was coughing and not covering her mouth.
great post, and oh-so-true!
It sounds exhausting. They sure are cute though. I miss you guys, despite my lack of being in touch. I'm a slug, which has no correlation to how much I think of you which is often.
Much love,
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