16 February, 2009

25 Random Things

I pulled this together on Facebook so I figured I'd repeat it here as well. I've been so behind on blogging that at least you can all see I'm alive!

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.

1. I've never had a cavity, broken a bone or needed glasses.

2. I made it through 28 years and four pregnancies without ever throwing up. That's right, I never vomited in my life (except maybe some baby puke) until a nasty stomach flu flattened me last year.

3. Up until last week when Eilidh weaned herself, I have been pregnant or breastfeeding for the last SIX years straight. So, lest you think that numbers 1 and 2 mean that I never go to the doctor, that's a lot of appointments.

4. Ice cream is my least favorite dessert. The kinds I like best have big chunks of cookies or brownies and I find myself thinking as I dig for them, why don't I just eat a brownie?

5. I may be able to pass up ice cream, but never chocolate--especially if it's warm and gooey...okay and topped with ice cream just to contradict myself.

6. I swallowed my twin in utero. I have pictures, if you're interested.

7. I always wanted to have lots of kids...right now I'm feeling like three is lots.

8. Actually, I have four kids. Three down here and one waiting for us up in heaven. We miss him, but I try to remember that eternity is much longer than this life.

9. I envision my life in 5-year chunks and see myself moving someplace entirely new for each stint. This is weird since I really grew up in one town, but somewhere I caught the nomadic bug and can't seem to kick my wanderlust.

10. I could never be in the medical field because I don't like sick people. I started college in pre-Med until I was honest with myself about that fact. Then I became a much happier Lit major.

11. I think Baseball is the most excruciatingly boring sport to watch.

12. I'm not a cat person, and Ryan's allergic to them. I love him for that.

13. I had great parents and the epitomy of what I would call a normal childhood. I consider this a true blessing.

14. I get an odd excitement out of combing the weekly grocery adds and making a shopping list--even more excited when it's double-coupon day (I'm such a dork).

15. I have always wanted to learn how to shoot a handgun really accurately. Hang out at the shooting range, you know...

16. I get dizzy if I try to read in the car.

17. I am inherently domestic. I love cooking, baking, quilting, gardening, decorating and organizing the life of my family. Unfortunately, I hate cleaning, which is what must be done most with so many little ones.

18. That said, My calmness is unfortunately tied to the cleanliness of my space. I feel very out of control when I'm tripping over toys and the dishes are crusting on the counter. This is something I'm really working on because my housework is literally never done so I end up not resting, and all too often fail to be present with my kids because I'm cleaning up the breakfast dishes.

19. I was a cheerleader in highschool. A good one, not a dumb one.

20. Although it has been the most stretching experience of my life, parenthood is the biggest blessing imaginable. I love my kids and enjoy life with them infinitely more than I could without.

21. When I check on my sleeping kids before I go to bed, my heart swells to three times it's normal size. It's the best part of the day.

22. I like being a pastor's wife. In fact, I always wanted to be in full-time ministry.

23. Speaking of my husband, I must say that I am continually amazed at how well matched we are. Not that we never have conflict, but how well we balance each other in key ways.

24. I worry about the materialism that penetrates the life of my family, as much as we try to combat it. Sometimes I dream of living in a hut somewhere until my kids are teenagers--just to help us all be a little more grateful for all we have been given.

25. I've been trying to do this note for two weeks and have been tagged by at least 6 of you. I don't have enough free time!


Anonymous said...

LOVED reading this - in an odd way made me feel really connected with you. We still have so many things in common and I remember all of these great qualities you posses that brought us together as friends in the first place! Didn't know you did facebook - I have been told I have to join. Is it worth my time?

Catherine said...

I completely agree with number 14! There is something very satisfying about planning meals and snacks that are healthy but also as inexpensive as you can get...