04 October, 2008

I approved this message...

The kids are often asking who John McCain and Barack Obama are since they hear their names on TV and in conversation. Trying to explain presidential candidates to a preschooler and a toddler is almost as ridiculous as the SNL spoofs of the debates. Asher entertained us all summer saying Obama's name over and over--it is kind of phonetically enjoyable to say repeatedly.

NOTE: This video does not endorse any candidate or political party...I'm just not going there.


Anonymous said...


Did you know that Asher's video made it to TV? I am almost positive I saw the video clip on the Ellen show. Did you have the clip on YouTube? I guess she pulls video clips she likes and shows them during her show. At the time I didn't even pay close attention to the boy, but more of how cute he was saying "Barack Obama". When I saw your clip on your blog is when it reminded of the show.

Take Care,

gail said...

that is adorable! you could probably sell it to the campaign to fund his college!

chaps said...


mrszahller said...

Too funny! Genevieve loves to say it too, but she smears it all together like a curse "B'rack-o-bama!".