19 May, 2008

Why we can't have nice things...

Although you'd never know it from their innocent faces in this picture, my boys are wild and crazy most of the time. There's the typical boy energy, of course, and then there's those unpredictable events that just leave me shaking my head. Mischief I would have never thought to prohibit or even hope to forsee often require me to pull out the "how to clean almost anything" manual.

Asher, in particular, is one of those kids who is always up to something. If the house is quiet for a few minutes I know he's playing with the toilet plunger or drawing with snot on the couch. To date he hasn't gotten into the medicine cabinet, but I wouldn't put it past him. Here's a sampling of what has happened in our home in the past week:

--I left Asher coloring nicely on the dining room table for about five minutes and returned to him on top of the table with the pepper grinder unscrewed and peppercorns everywhere.

--While Ryan and I were trying to take a few minutes to pray, Bridger took the glue from upstairs (where it's allowed) to the basement to do a project. He couldn't get it to come out fast enough so he unscrewed the whole top and knocked it over where it created a huge pool of Elmers on our new carpet.

--The kids were up before we were one morning and we suddenly heard a crash. I came out to the living room to see two sheepish kids picking up glass shards. Bridger had been trying to put a puzzle on the mantle and it knocked down a picture.

--While I flossed Bridger's teeth one night, Asher was feeling left out so he dumped out the humidifier in his room. The water hit some marker ink that stained the floor and rug.
Most of these things aren't really the kids being naughty so much as just being mischievous we end up laughing about them eventually. So, we have a hard spot on the carpet now, some ink stains in the kids' room and I'm finding peppercorns everywhere but I never expected to keep a perfect house when I became a mom. I wonder what will happen next week...


Kira said...

I'm glad to know my kid isn't the only one! That was hilarious. Thanks Rachel! :)

Amy from Occupation: Mommy said...

We have had the glue thing happen. A and G really don't get into much, but when they are with certain friends, watch out! And I can definitely see S getting into mischief. Already this morning, she has tried to pull down the dining room curtain, attempted to open the stapler, and chewed on a latex balloon and two crayons. It's only 7:15!

words and streets said...

your kids ability to "be creative" and play is impressive. but THE most impressive thing is you flossing your kid's teeth... now that's amazing!! we're not quite there yet. hope all are well.
much love,
allie s.

Rachel said...

Ahh yes, the flossing of teeth. The six-year-old down the street had 5 cavities this year and his parents hardly let him have sugar, so I became a bit paranoid about my candy-loving kids. We'll see if it makes any difference.

chaps said...

What struck me most was flossing Bridger's teeth! Wow! You are a top mom!