15 June, 2008

So much to say, so little time

Seems like we've been a bit underwater lately, struggling to keep our heads above. It shouldn't be that way since most of the last month was vacation, but anytime out of routine seems to take a long time to recover. We spent two weeks back in the midwest after some horrendous gas bills driving there (1100 miles one way) and a 3am stop at a hotel right outside the reservation when we just couldn't drive anymore. Then the boys stayed with grandma and grandpa for about five days while we came back and stuck our mouth to the firehouse with home improvement projects.

We also the long weekend with gobs of family down in Nebraska. The pictures are of the kids with piles of their second cousins. Most of our vacation was rainy, though we did manage a day at the poor man's beach (lake) for some sand and water fun. Not exactly our usual yearly trip to the Atlantic, but still enjoyable. The rain actually made us relax more than we probably would have since we couldn't be outside running here and there. It made life a bit miserable for the poor grandparents, though, when they were trying to entertain the mildly homesick boys. Thanks again, mom and dad!

It's late and I'm tired so this is all the update I can muster for tonight.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Rachel, thanks for the update. I can't believe Bridger's growth (looks like he's one of the "taller" cousins in the pictures); and the picture of him holding his sister begs for a caption....

Praying for the Lord's strength and endurance for you and Ryan throughout the summer months.