Both of us like the suspense and the excitement of one of the only major good surprises around. We enjoy picking alternate names and imagining our family different ways. It seems to help me during labor to have a puzzle I really want to solve at the end. I truly felt that Bridger was a boy, so his birth wasn't as surprising but I couldn't tap into any maternal mojo with Asher. The same has been true with this pregnancy. After three boys I can't imagine anything else being in there.
But this time we were a little more open to finding out mostly because we're decorating a new room and we are so stumped on names that we wanted to narrow the field a bit. Some of the first ultrasounds weren't conclusive, but at the very last one (28 weeks) we had the doctor write down the gender. On our overnight trip to Denver a few days later we opened the envelope--GIRL!
So we told our families and were excited for a week or so and then began to regret it. Everyone, from those who originally begged us to find out to the check-out girl at Target, suddenly had a story about their cousin's best friend's sister who had their whole nursery decorated in pink, only to give birth to a boy. Mind you, most of these people telling the story had correct ultrasounds for their six children and some of these botched ultrasound stories are from the mid-19th century (or at least ten years ago), but it's getting a little old. Yes, I'm sure those wily boys can sometimes hide their third leg, but I suddenly feel like the first-time mom who is subject to all the emergency highway c-section stories from well-meaning mothers of five.
Needless to say we are thrilled about our HEALTHY baby, girl or boy. And for all of you out there who are excited that I will finally have an ally in the house and want to buy some pink, go right ahead. But according to the rest of the free world, keep the receipt!
Well, we have had numerous ultrasounds, all said "girl," and we, indeed, have three girls! We are so happy for you guys!! (of course, even if it's a boy!) I hope the rest of the pregnancy is uneventful.
Laughing so hard at your post this morning - You are such a talented writer! Jon and I are excited about baby girl Sutherland!! Miss you guys!
Hey Rach (and Ry) - I think a girl would be great! with such gorgeous looking kids already, a girl would fit right in there! Besides, you need a little more female around the Sutherland house! God bless you one and all!
LOL! You are a great writer and need to do more of it. Yeah, I know in your "free time" right? :)
We're excited for the news and can't wait to hear the female name that you two come up with.
All our ultrasounds have been right - even the one that the tech was told not to look.
But, of course my cousin on the other hand... he hee:)
congratulations!! What a lucky little girl to have two big brothers to protect her.
congrats! what fun.
Hi, you don't know me but I just stumbled across your blog while surfing Blogger. Congrats on your new little give me hope that after having 2 boys myself, I might someday get a pink nursery to design! :)
I was googling boy or girl ultrasound pics when I stumbled across your blog. Seems like fate! I have three boys (ages 6,3 and 1) and have been told we are having a girl. I have heard everything and at the same time gotten the most ridiculous amount of pink EVER! (I don't even care for pink) I want a t-shirt that says "We weren't "trying" for a girl" I still have my doubts it is a girl, they didn't give me a pic of the "girl parts" at the ultrasound! Best wishes to you!
Hi Rachel,
I just found out you were pregnant with a girl moving around your blogs (starting off from the e-mail I am getting from Christian.
You have one more to go to catch up with me......
Anyway, I am happy for you all and may God keep richly blessing you.
Miss you,
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