Our wedding anniversary was this Sunday, so as an awesome treat to us, the grandparents took the kids camping in the RV near Bozeman Thursday and Friday. They were able to enjoy the RV and spend time with Aunt Missy in Bozeman. We met up with them on Saturday and came home Sunday, but were able to have two days and two nights to ourselves at home. It's been over a year since we've had an overnight away from the kids, but I can't ever r
While they were camping, Bridger became completely comfortable "swimming" all around the campground pool with his life-vest. Previously he's been great in the water if he could touch, but scared, even with a floaty, anywhere else. All of the sudden he's doggy-paddling all around, going underwater--everything. Time away from the parents can be good independence building.
Good for you to send the kids off! It is easy to get so kid-focused and put time together for just the two of you on the back burner. It can happen unintentionally and unconsciously. Glad you had a great time.
Talk about a win-win situation. Thank you for this reminder that we're not as indispensable as we think we are!!!
Happy 6 yrs!
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