Dealing with the new poo: Asher's in the stage where he's still nursing a lot and only eating baby food, so things aren't exactly formed, if you know what I mean. Technically the two hot/cold washes can handle this, but I try to avoid as much soil as possible. I purchased a roll of biodegradable, flushable cloth liners that I try to strategically use once or twice during the day (Asher's pretty predictable). These work great, but are $6 for 100. Obviously this is nothing compared to buying disposable diapers, though, and a good option for us right now.
Washing the same diapers over and over: I have found that Tide with Febreeze does the best with to keep out stains and smells in the diapers. Dreft just makes them smell like pee before they're even peed in. I also use a 1/2 cup of baking soda in each load which freshens things up too and about once every two weeks I use a little bleach.
The same diapers with a growing baby: The BumGenius diapers are one-size, so they have snaps and velcro to make them adjust to different sizes. The diapers are in their largest snap now but can also be made bigger with the velcro. Asher was beginning to fill up and wet through sometimes so I bought a few thin inserts to supplement the regular insert. That seems to have done the trick during the day. For overnight, I double-up the large inserts. This keeps Asher dry, though is pretty bulky so I wouldn't really want to do that during awake time.
Asher still hasn't had a bit of diaper rash--a little dry skin occasionally, but I just let him go commando for awhile and it seems to clear up fine. Anyone else have any tips?
I love the Bum Genius story line! Thanks for quenching our curious minds. No diaper rash at all, really? Wow. That is awesome. I always feel so, so bad whenever Levi has a little. Now, my favorite is Aquaphor.
sorry for the test comment...i am having issues commenting on blogs. Anway, Sam has been wearing bumgenius since week 3 of his life. He is now 10 weeks old, so i only have 7 weeks experience with breastfed diaper duty. So far I think it is a cinch. I use some kind of clear and free detergent (i think it is a Costco brand). So far no issues with smells - a few of them have very light yellow stains here and there on the inside that you can only see if held up to direct sunlight. I do the double hot/cold cycle too. In the last ten days he has been just about sleeping through the night, which is why I think we are having a major flare up with diaper rash around his crotch in the last few days. I can't get it to clear up. My mom suggested using disposables at night. Karen Hiliker suggested lots of "naked bum time" :) -- any other suggestions?
My friend is a pediatrician & thinks aquaphor is an expensive marketing gimmick, but both my neighbors swear by it....
Naked bum time--the kids love it, but it's always a bit risky...
If you're going to use any diaper rash stuff--even aquaphor, you should probably go with disposables while you're using it (or disposables at night and only put the cream on then). Otherwise your diapers will soak it up and their absorbancy will be affected. I've used baby powder occasionally if the fat folds seem to be staying moist.
You could also try doubling up on the inserts to suck away more moisture. Asher sleeps 12-13 hours and still is fairly dry on his skin in the morning when we double the inserts.
I really find this fascinating. I don't know if I want to take the plunge though. If I had a separate washer, just for the diapers, then maybe.
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