So I feel the need to give a cloth diaper update now that I have two clothy-bummed kids. Before Eilidh was born, I decided that I didn't want to be washing both of their diapers and I also didn't have enough of the BumGeniuses to go around. So, I found the local diaper service and asked friends who wanted to give me a gift, to contribute to my account. Each week I get a fresh bag of 5 dozen diapers and they take all my dirty ones. On the surface, this is really great, but there have been some hang-ups.

First of all, the style of diapers is different than I'm used to--these are
pre-fold and cover diapers, which are basically the old style of diapers--just a cloth and rubber pants. I'm used to the
BumGenius that is infinitely more absorbent. This isn't a huge deal because infants' diapers are changed so often anyway that it's fine, but if I would have started out with these diapers with Asher I would have died on the vine. Not to mention, they're useless overnight unless I want Eilidh to wake up every two hours.
However, I will say that I dealing with two kinds of cloth diapers is getting old.

I received enough gifts to keep the diaper service for another month, which is about when we're going on vacation anyway (and I'm going to use disposables then). Around then, I'm going to get a little more on the ball with potty training Asher since he'll be almost two, hopefully move him to pull-ups and switch Eilidh to the BumGeniuses. Honestly, after changing Eilidh's mild poo, messing with Asher's is getting
really stinky.
As you can see in the picture, Asher is moving out of babyhood in a big way recently. His crib has been replaced by a big-boy bed, potty training is on the horizon and next after that is getting rid of those binkies!
soo cute. Sam took a nap in the daybed in his room the other day, and got up by himself and came to the top of the steps to announce he was up. But he will be staying in the crib for a bit. By the way, Cotton Babies replaced 13 of my 1.0 BG! And they sent me 3.0s -- they are great!
thanks for the diaper updates. you are my go-to girl for sure. i'm doing some cloth these days since i have them anyway and am washing Boaz's sheets more too it seems. don't think i could do it full time. we did a landfill trip for our co-op last week, and now i have less worries about the long term affect of 100 year old Huggies on a pile. just think of them as building new mountain ranges in the landscape. :)
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