Grandma and Grandpa were out visiting the last week or so and we've been all over the town and on a few day trips around the area. They saw it all in terms of mountain climate--it was over 100 degrees the first two days they were here. Then, the fires erupted right around us and the valley was like a campfire for a few days--literally everything smelled of smoke and we couldn't see the mountain that's right in town much less the sun (see top

left pictures from the M, first one is from a clear July morning and second from last week). Miraculously the weather cooled a bit the last few days and the fires calmed so it cleared out and has been absolutely gorgeous. We got a surprise visit from Papa for the week too since he's the regional fire director and had to come assess all the damage around here. He's still in town, but traveling and working so we haven't seen him much.

Having the grandparents visit is always a blessing from many levels. We get to enjoy extra adult company and play games in the evening (mostly Cities and Knights), Ryan and I are able to have a date night--we went to a great dinner and saw
Away from Her, a Canadian film we highly recommend.

We also can finish some projects around the house that have been languishing. We whipped up a landscaping project in our alley. When we moved it the area was full of debris and has been a bed for waist-high weeds this summer, but we managed to dig it out, cover it with rock, and transplant some raspberry and blackberry plants for next year's harvest. I wish we had a before shot, but here's the after. We also bought our first car, but that deserves its own post so I'll leave that for later.
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