"Mom, can we go to the RV?" (he means arcade, where I realized he doesn't even need tokens to think he's playing the games)
"I realize that, mom "sigh"" (when I'm trying to correct him)
"Mom, what's booty?" (after playing with some older kids at the playground--by the way, I told him it was a shoe)
"Why is that girl wearing a diaper?" (spoken about a girl in a leotard at gymnastics. After conversing about it all the way home, he's still confused as to why she wasn't wearing pants)
His best this week needed no words. We were at a downtown park barbecue with perhaps 200 people around sitting on the grass. We look over to see Bridger with his pants around his ankles, peeing downhill (as he has been taught) right in the middle of everything.
What precious memories! I'm glad you shared. I really had to laugh at the "peeing outdoors". Of course, he felt right at home--it's what the men in this family have taught him! What innocence!
Can't wait to see you all in a few weeks!
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