So, its been awhile since I've blogged and it seems from other blogs that I frequent that everyone is in a bit of a lull this month. Somehow February is always a downer--you think the gray days should go quickly, after all it is the shortest month of the year, but it begins to feel like the longest for me. I keep all my digital pictures in folders for each month and it always seems that February is the slimmest--nothing ever happens! Oh, and don't let the snowman fool you, we made it an hour after it snowed and now the whole yard is green grass except for the snowman, who is still holding his own.

So, here are a few pictures of what we have been up to. Mostly, the kids have been sick and parked in their pajamas on the couch or in my arms. One will get better, the other goes down.

This last bug has lasted at least a week and still going strong in Bridger. Asher picked it up a few days ago and sounds like a 40-year smoker. He can barely cry so what comes out is a raspy kitten yelp. I find myself laughing out loud at the poor kid. However, he has begun to eat almost everything put in front of him
except baby food. Apparently he's too good for it since he's now eating real table food. The only way I can get him to eat off a spoon is if he puts it in his mouth himself. So, I guess I've got another strong-willed one!
hey rachel! sun is shining here... hope you are all well. i can't believe how big these boys are. they are seriously so cute. i know, feb is so short, why does it feel like a season unto itself?
maybe march will be better. we miss you all.
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