Asher just learned to sit up this week and it is so much fun. I think this stage is my favorite of the first year--sitting up and playing, but staying put! Always smiles and laughs too. Asher also started solids last week. I wanted to wait until 6 months, but he just seemed so hungry. Bridger's always wanting to help, of course.
I was just trying to look up your new address on the computer and happened across your new web site.
I was so excited to see you had just posted last night. I received your package today, and am sending you your christmas gift. I wish I was not so computer illeterate!!!!
Hope you are well,
love Grandma Lorraine
Rachel, I totally agree with you about this stage...it was always my favorite too! Although I am really loving Owen's stage right now...hearing his little voice put together words into phrases! Next is the potty! He got one for his Christmas present. I am trying to decide if I should try before we travel back to the states mid June. He will be 2 1/2 in May. The other two we did it then. Tell Ryan that I am typing this with Geo listening live to the Eagles game! Some fans die hard:) His brother in law is skyping it into him!
Merry Christmas, you dear Sutherlands! I guess you would not be planning to travel East this summer, would you?? I would love to say we could come see you all, but probably not going to happen this summer!
Love that last picture!! Of course for Noah, that stage lasted about 6 months!
Merry Christmas!!
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